Here is a picture that I recently found of me at work at IBM. Knowing where this picture was taken and the computer on my desk, it was around 1985 or 1986. Take a good look at the computer on my desk. It is an original IBM PC. You can’t see it but that machine had 2 floppy disk drives and no hard drive. One floppy drive was for the operating system or program and the other was for data. There is also a box of 5 1/4″ floppy disks on the desk. The printer was a dot-matrix printer. I inherited this computer when another guy inmy department received an IBM XT computer that had a 10 MB hard drive. You might be able to see the screen – green characters on a black background. No full color. It’s amazing how things have changed.
Of course you could also note how dark my hair was or how big my glasses were not to mention how skinny I was. Or even the expected engineer dress of a shirt (preferably white) and tie.
Somehow I missed this picture but going back and editing them to make them work with the folder structure I found it. Glad you have this around! It’s important to have some context around your early technical days 🙂